Jesus said “He who overcomes, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne, as I also overcame and sat down with my Father in his throne.” (Revelation 3:21) A Loser loses, an Overcomer overcomes In the opinion of Jesus, we are overcomers. Yet for most of us, we have a… Continue reading Your self perception determines your destiny
Author: Maurice Rogers
Maurice E. Rogers is a bestselling author and speaker. He has authored two books – "By the Grace of God... I Am" and "Why Christ Has Already Come Back."
Who does God say I Am?
Jesus asked his disciples “who do you say that I Am?” This most important question is concerning the true identity, the Me or the I, the true identity of Jesus.Who do you say that I Am? Roles vs Identity – Body prepared for Me In Hebrews 10:5, Jesus had said that his body, the Son… Continue reading Who does God say I Am?
Jesus of Nazareth’s Uncanny Self Understanding
Jesus demonstrated the proper way for us to view our roles vs our true identity. While Jesus embraced his role as a Son of Humanity, a real true flesh and blood Hebrew of the tribe of Judah and of the stock of Israel, wandering prophet, healer and teacher, he also seemed to hold the understanding… Continue reading Jesus of Nazareth’s Uncanny Self Understanding
Your True Identity in Christ: Moving Beyond Societal Roles and Relationships
As human beings, we often define ourselves by our societal roles and relationships. We identify ourselves as parents, children, friends, employees, and so on. While these roles and relationships are important, they do not define our true identity. Our true identity, according to the Bible, is found in Christ. What does it mean to find… Continue reading Your True Identity in Christ: Moving Beyond Societal Roles and Relationships