What Is your True Identity?

Pexels Oleksandr Pidvalnyi 321576

Your true identity does not come from who your loved ones think you are

Maybe you have never really given it much thought. But when you really think about it, you would realize that who you assume you are, is based on what was told to you by other people.

In other words, my presumed identity is the sum total of other people’s opinions about me.

As an infant, you came into this world and all that you have learned about your identity was from those persons around you who told you who they thought you were.

These voices usually conflict in their opinion of you. Depending on the circumstances of your encounters with people, and the nature of your relationship to them, people would tell you who they think you are.

But, your true identity does not come from the opinions of your loved ones.

Your true identity does not come from your ethnicity

We are all from different ethnicities, yet our ethnic identity is not our true identity.

Many revel in their ethnic identity, and have great pride in it. This has its place, but understand, this identity is not your true identity. These identities often restrict us, and place us into boxes of what is acceptable.

We often hear statements like “Etnicity X does not do this, only Ethnicy Y is allowed to do that.” Understanding your true identity frees you from ethnic restrictions.

Your true identity does not come from your occupation

Lots of folks think that their profession is their identity. The truth is, your profession is only a role that you are performing. You can change professions as many time as you wish. But these are not your true identity.

The danger in thinking that your profession is your identity is that if that profession is taken away from you, if a time comes when you are not able to perform that profession, then an identity crisis occurs.

Understanding your true identity saves you from an identity crisis.

Your true identity does not come from your roles in society

Everyone of us play very vital roles in society. We are fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, leaders, employers… and the list goes on.

However, there is a danger in thinking that your role is your true identity.

Whenever life strips us of that role, we become like fishes out of water. At these times we usually suffer an existential crisis.

Understanding your true identity preserves you from an existential crisis.

Your true identity does not come from your religion

Millions of people are adherents to one of several religions. A religion is a set of beliefs that offer an explanation and meaning of life. Each religion has beliefs which are unique to it.

Many folks receive the beliefs of their religion as a result of being born into a family which practices the tenets of that religion. Others have the religion of their ethnic background.

Others have been born into nations where that religion is prevalent and even dominant. Meanwhile, others in search of meaning and purpose, join themselves to whatever religion is available to them wherever they are.

For many persons, their religion is source of their identity. Therefore a vast number of people feel a sense of worth and purpose being connected to a religious organization.

If for any reason their religious belief should change, they immediately suffer anxiety attacks, because their assumed identity is threatened.

Understanding that your true identity is not determined by your religion saves you from a spiritual crisis.

There is a way to know your True identity

At some point in our lives, we all need to know who we really are. Unfortunately, there are so many voices telling us who we are, and most time those voices really seek to tell us who they want us to be. Is there really a way to know your true identity?

The ‘Living in the New Kosmos’ Masterclass

Many have come to discover their true identity through the ‘Living in the New Kosmos’ Masterclass.

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